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Governing Body

St Dunstan’s Education Group is an incorporated charity which is managed and controlled by a Board of up to 15 Governors. 
The Governors have a statutory role to ensure the charity fulfils its objects, which is to ‘advance education, including but not limited to the provision of day and boarding schools’. In ensuring the fulfilment of its objects, the Governors agree the vision for the charity and set strategic objectives and targets for the St Dunstan’s Executive Team (DET) to fulfil. 

(Our Strategy - St Dunstan's College (

The DET consists of the Heads of the respective schools, the CFO and COO, and is led by the Head of St Dunstan’s Education Group. 
Governors are jointly and severally responsible for the custodianship of the schools they oversee and in so doing ensure compliance, approve policies, monitor and review key performance indicators for the Executive. The Governing Body delegates more detailed scrutiny to a number of sub-committees, including Education, Finance and Resources, and Leadership and Governance.

There are up to 15 Governors in total. Two are ex officio: The Alderman of the Ward of Tower in the City of London and the incumbent priest of All Hallows by the Tower. The remaining governors are selected on the basis of their skills and experience following the regular review of the constitution of the Board and the needs of the charity. 

Two of the Governors are also non-executive Directors of the trading subsidiary to St Dunstan’s Education Group, St Dunstan’s Education Group Enterprises Ltd.

Governors are ordinarily drawn from the alumni and parent bodies of the organisations they serve. The Governors are ever-mindful of their commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, and their statement pertaining to this can be found HERE.