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We have policy documents for all curriculum areas and other aspects of school life. In order to comply with regulatory requirements, the following policies are on our website to download in PDF format. All other policies may be requested at the school office.

Safeguarding Statement

Rosemead Preparatory School and Nursery is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Safeguarding Policy which can be viewed in the Policies section of our website.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.

We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Lisa Meredith-Bennett (Head of Pre-Prep). Our Deputy DSL is Mrs Lesley Kastoryano (Deputy Headteacher).

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Please find below details of the School’s Data Protection Officer:

Data Protection Officer: Judicium Consulting Limited
Address: 72 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6AE
Telephone: 0203 326 9174
Lead Contact: Craig Stilwell