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7+ Registration

Year 3

For children starting in September having had their seventh birthday on or before 31st August

Registration process

Typically, parents will visit the school either during an Open Morning or a Show Round. The next procedure is to fill in an Application for Admission form and submit it to the school with the £150 registration fee. This can be done via the Admissions section of the school website. All children wishing to enter Year 3 at Rosemead are invited for our 7+ Observational Assessment and the Admissions Registrar will make arrangements for this. 

Dates and timing of assessment

This year our 7+ Observational Assessment week is Monday 18th – Thursday 21st November 2024. Your child will be invited to attend one of our morning sessions (9.00am – 12.30pm), which includes joining us for lunch. Please advise of any dietary requirements when registering. The deadline date for registering for the 7+ Observational Assessments is Wednesday 13th November 2024.


Families interested in joining Rosemead Preparatory School and Nursery are encouraged to visit the school at one of our open events before applying.


What do the children need to bring?

All stationery required will be provided by Rosemead. If your child has any specific medication, please bring this with you on the day. Children will need their coats for outdoor play. We will supply refreshments.

What will happen during the morning?

Upon arrival, you will be met by the Admissions Registrar. The Head will welcome you and the children. Parents are then asked to leave the children and to return at the end of the morning. A typical 7+ observational assessment session consists of 15 - 18 children.

The children will take part in informal observation and interaction, as well as some academic assessment. We will invite children to take part in group activities such as art, music, drama, problem solving activities and guided reading. You do not need to prepare your child in any way for these observational assessments.

Some time will be spent speaking with the children during the observational assessment. We aim to keep the time as relaxed as possible for the children and they will be given opportunities to interact with other children and adults. We also request a reference/report from your child’s current school.

We also offer a small number of Academic Scholarships for children who are achieving highly or have the potential to do so at Rosemead.

Number of places available

We usually have around 20 places available to join pupils moving up from our own Pre-Prep.

Offer dates

Offer letters will be posted/emailed on Monday 2nd December 2024 and the offer reply deadline is Monday 10th February 2025.

Waiting list places

You will be informed if your child is on a waiting list and we will let you know as soon as possible if a place becomes available.